Shadows Of The Apt Wiki


te Berro is a member of General Reiner's faction of the Rekef, and is mostly employed as a messenger, although his skill with a bow is not to be taken lightly. The title of te implies that his family is of the upper class among flies, although as an imperial, this means little.

Empire in Black and Gold

He is sent to summon Thalric to a meeting inAsta, then turns up later to help complete the mission in Myna.

Dragonfly Falling

te Berro is again used to deliver Thalric's orders, but is now being pressured to switch to General Maxin's faction.

The Scarab Path

With a fly's sense for danger, te Berro has managed to lose himself in the bureaucracy of the Wasp Empire to avoid a nasty purge of the Rekef, but is turned up by Thalric for information.
