Shadows Of The Apt Wiki

In the ancient past, a great calamity befell the Earth and devasted the human population. In order to survive, groups of humans developed instinctual bonds with different species and over time developed the Ancestor Arts, special abilities many of which were unique to each tribe or 'kinden'. Ancestor Art was thus instrumental in separating humanity into different kinden and creating the different societies found throughout the world. 

Source []

All kinden claim a connection to an Ancestor Spirit, an archetypal representation of the species they relate to. It is from this Ancestor Spirit that all Art flows, gifting humans with an affinity for its descendants with unique and useful abilities. Among more secular kinden the quasi-religious concept of the Ancestor Spirit has been replaced with the philosophical concept of the Ideal Form, though they are effectively the same idea. Individuals who undergo near-death experiences may behold a vision of their kinden's Ancestor Spirit / Ideal Form, such as the vision of a vast and beautiful dragonfly Salma experienced after being impaled by a Wasp sword. 

The first Art was of Speech, allowing humans to communicate with and eventually command the insects of their world.

Manifestations []

Art manifests itself in a number of ways:

  • Anyone who spends time training themselves can achieve a level of empathic communication, commonly called 'speech' with the creatures of their kinden.
  • Some people can access supernatural abilities like creating temporary wings to fly, creating fire, or accessing inhuman reserves of stamina or agility. The possible abilities depend on the kinden and not everyone can access all abilities available to their kinden. These kinds of Art often resemble magic but anyone witnessing one of these abilities will instictively be able to indentify it as the product of Art, even if they have never encountered the Art or the kinden before.
  • Some kinden grow additional appendages over time such as the Scorpion's Claws or the Mantids arm spines. While this is ubiquitous in some kinden like the Scorpions, it can be uncommon in others. For example, only some Dragonfly-kinden develop retractible thumb claws.
  • Some kinden's Art subtly effects their emotional responses, for example Beetles tend to calmly endure hardship while Mantids feel exhileration when blood is shed in combat.

Art that requires conscious use is usually not able to be learned until middle childhood. Art is not bestowed upon every individual equally; it is fairly common to be strong in one area of one's kinden's Art and weak in another. For example, Thalric has a particularly powerful sting but lacks endurance when flying. Furthermore, some individuals struggle to achieve the same level of ability as their peers. Techniques to enhance and develop Art are usually meditative, though massages and even sex can prove more effective, as was the case when Cheerwell Maker unlocked the rare (for a Beetle) Art of flight after receiving a massage from and sleeping with her lover Achaeos. Sometimes Art only manifests in moments of extreme stress such as combat or at times of great personal significance.  

The exact relationship between Art and magic is unknown. Contact with magic can unlock previously unlooked-for Art abilities, such as when Cheerwell and Achaeos were linked via a vision and Cheerwell developed Darksight, which is incredibly rare for a Beetle but a ubiquitous natural ability among Moths that does not require Art for them.

Art Abilities   []

  • Flight: Via ephemeral wings that sprout from the shoulders. Ubiquitous among Flies, Dragonflies, Moths, Wasps, Bees and Butterflies, soemwhat uncommon in Mantids and rare among Beetles. Ant-kinden women are rumoured to be able to fly after losing their virginity, but this is likely just a salacious fiction. 
  • Climb: With gripping hands and feet. Common in Ants, Spiders and Beetles. 
  • Leap: Probably unique to Grasshoppers. 
  • Spinning Webs: Unique to Spiders, who use it to create silken clothing and armour. 
  • Natural Weaponry of bone spurs, claws or spines in a variety of places. Ants and Spiders can grow knuckle spurs, though they often only manifest in combat. Some Dragonflies develop thumb claws, while most Mantids have spines that flex out of their forearms. Uniquely, Assassin Bug-kinden can fuse their hands into deadly killing blades.   
  • Mindlink: Telepathy. Synonymous with Ant-kinden, but also found among Bees and a few rare individuals of other kinden. Ant-kinden telepathy is restricted to members of their own city-state, but other kinden can share thoughts across races. 
  • Poison.
  • Darksight.
  • Entrancement. A common art Spider-Kinden.
  • Dangersense: Common in Flies. 
  • Sting: A bolt of fire shot from the palm of the hand. Ubiquitous among Wasps and their most reliable weapon. 
  • Acid Hand.
  • Digging: Unique to Mole-Cricket kinden, whose hands can bore through earth and rock. 
  • Armour.
  • Blood Sustenance.
  • Dominate.
  • Toughness.
  • Camouflage.
  • Charm.
  • Reflexes.